[Image] Connecting to server..........Current connection 233.443.385 [ROOM] : Boshawn's Chat Client:1 " Voice "Off - [\~~~> *_BoBBeR_ b0shawn anime_bumm _BoBBeR_ entered the room GostCoder b0shawn entered the room ridiculous_fish anime_bumm entered the room 5886123 GostCoder entered the room o00_gman_00o ridiculous_fish entered the room 5886123 entered the room o00_gman_00o entered the room _BoBBeR_: Too, bad this chat doesn't have fade in the font, or any ( faces [-_-] ) _BoBBeR_: This ain't going to be finished for a while..... b0shawn: We got a ways to go [^_^] 5886123: it's cool so far I like the way that I have the connection to it [^_^], and no one can come in this room cause it is private o00_gman_00o: I'm gonna use this chat client to Boot People [o_0], and I can't get booted, and this is isn't even Java [ ^_^ ] I _BoBBeR_: I know me and Shawn, my older bro is supposed to be programming a ht chat room, or something like this [^_^], I made this a while back, then left it I decided to continue it and improve it and call it Boshawn Yahoo Client. anime_bumm: < Poser [-_-] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [ Color ] [ Voice ] = Off [ Join Room ] [ Music ] [ My Site ] [ Need Help ? ] yeah it's me typing the message, in the room and only me. well this chat client ain't finish until I finis